House objects

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House objects can be purchased with both in-game coin or through Threshcredits. If bought with in-game coin, the purchase is transacted directly from your bank account. To purchase an item for ThreshCredits, you must use the tc command.


decorate object list

This command can only be typed in a house.

Object List

Item Coin cost TC Cost
iron torch sconce 5,000 9
doorbell 10,000 18
arm wrestling table 10,000 18
dart board 10,000 18
chess board 15,000 27
masterpsion 15,000 27
5 card draw 25,000 45
pair of dice 25,000 45
pillar of destruction 30,000 54
gentleman butler 30,000 54
fireplace 40,000 72
sacrificial altar 50,000 90
bookcase 50,000 90
fountain 60,000 108
whirlpool/hottub 80,000 126
battle brazier 75,000 135
house poltergeist 75,000 135
mystical fruit tree 80,000 144
swimming pool 80,000 144
scroll rack 100,000 180
mahogany bar 100,000 180