
From ThresholdRPG Wiki

The most basic component of the Threshold economy is wealth. Wealth may be earned directly from the game world, exchanged between players, or received as a registration reward. Money is earned directly from the game world by killing NPC enemies or completing tasks.

Money in Threshold is all a single currency divided into four denominations, and in order of lowest to highest are:

  • Slag
  • Danar, equal to 10 slag
  • Crown, equal to 100 slag
  • Orb, equal to 1,000 slag

Threshold currencies are universal and may be earned or used in every location in the game, including Sable, Thrace, and elsewhere.


Coins are stored in the player's purse, but optionally (often out of necessity), in banks located in both major kingdoms.


ThreshCredits (TCs) are a special currency you receive along with your normal registrations. You earn 1 ThreshCredit per $1 of registration.


ThreshCredits can be referred to in character as TriCrowns