From ThresholdRPG Wiki
A remort is the process an adventuring character undergoes to take up the crafting lifestyle. If you are a tradesman and wish to switch trades, you may be looking to retrain rather than remort.
To remort, you use the remort command.
Character Effects
- Character's levels are set to 1/1.
- Character's skills and spells are reset.
- Character keeps clan.
- Character keeps religion.
- Character keeps house.
- Character keeps bloodoath.
- Character donates all but 5,000 coins to the crafting guild to remort.
- Character will lose bloodjewels and belt.
- If you were a chosen cleric, you will be promoted to Worshiper status in your religion. Exception: Matriarchs and Patriarchs retain their status.
- Character may not continue former-guild specific roleplay (such as guild specific research)
- If the character is a hegemon, he/she will lose that status.
- Character will lose all current abilities that are not related to guild, church, race, clan, or bloodoath.
- Hegemon characters remorting lose the benefits of being famous.
Autoload Weapon Effects
- You will receive your autoload again when you reach level 20.
Important Notes
- The remort option is not available to switch trades. you will need to retrain.
- Remorting is a permanent change. This cannot be reversed.
- Remorting requires permission. if you wish to avail yourself of this option, use the remort command.