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Revision as of 10:40, 28 January 2025 by Runatsu (talk | contribs) (Minor changes to personal page.)

Runatsu is a Dryad.

She was born a scholar on Serenus 2, 284.

Character Portrait


    Placid, this dryad is still as a woodblock print. She has lambent alabaster
skin marked with a number of faded scars. Her thin, niveous hair is neck-length
with a tress of bound hair aside her shoulder. She has deep-set dark blue eyes,
silvery eyebrows, pink-tinged lips, oval face, and a phlegmatic expression. She
is quite tall for a dryad, with a slender, yet wiry frame with broad shoulders.

She is a female dryad, 5'5" tall, weighing 110 pounds.
She has midnight blue eyes.
She has snow white hair.
She has pale white skin.
She has a tattoo of a sinuous prismatic snake encircled on her neck, a
     tattoo of a pale pink camellia in bloom on her right collarbone, and a
     tattoo of a moonlit winter forest on her left arm and shoulder.
She has several small silver hoop earrings in her left ear.


Runatsu joined the now defunct Fighters Guild at 16 years old in the year 300, then admitted into the Rangers Guild in 318.

She's been a Ranger for over 200 years and became Guildmaster of the Rangers Guild in 483.

She is honored to have been mentored in her youth by Drasoini Tal'Harn and Aldurin.

Leadership does not come naturally to her, but Runatsu hopes to provide the same guidance and wisdom to a new generation of Rangers.

Religion & Ethos

Runatsu was once a Mortisian for almost a hundred years.

Runatsu is now a Silvanite and has been so for many years now.

Kylamane has had a deep, lifelong appeal to Runatsu, but the former goddess returned to Set's realm before Runatsu was able to devote herself to the Lady of Winter.

She embraces her fondness of winter in her worship of the Lord of Nature.

Runatsu's primary Axis is a good morality, with the chaos harmonic, though prior to axis, her ethos was neutral, and she cares very little for sophistry of good versus evil, preferring the simplicity and equilibrium found within nature.


Runatsu's first memories were of the Everwood Forest, far to the northeast, of the arctic tree line where the forest abuts the tundra of the Dragonspine Mountains and the icy northern sea. The Everwood pine trees found here were stunted, one-sided, and solitary from the biting cold and constant wind. Life in this harsh demesne was brutal and unrelenting, with long winters, short days, and total isolation. Survival in this land only came through the end of a spear, hunting and fishing for food, furs, and materials.

An unknowable time later, she encountered human travelers and accompanied them to their settlement. There she met and was adopted into a family of bygone nobility that had faded into obscurity. Among them, she learned to read and write, studying theology and philosophy, and sparking a strong thirst for knowledge. After a time among them, she departed and wandered south, to the Kingdom of Sable, seeking the learning and expertise of the rangers, and furthering her pursuit of scholarship.


Runatsu joined many clans over the years; among them are Clan Saradia, the Wayfinder Expedition, and the Enlightened Brotherhood.

She is currently a member of Heroes of Wild Lands - HOWLS.


Runatsu built the Sablean Botanic Gardens on Glamis Crossroad 9 (Glamis9) that is open to the public.

She has a large library with books on former religious scripture, legal texts, ancient history, dryad culture, historical clan charters, written philosophical essays, etc.

She sleeps in a treehouse she built hidden in the garden grounds.


Snowdrift Mantle

This long, flowing mantle is crafted with radiant, snow white gabardine. The
mantle is ankle-length and is secured at the collarbone with a gleaming round
silver brooch with an effigy of a white raven upon it. The wool is silken and
lustrous, and has been waterproofed using lanolin. The mantle has a shearling
sheepskin lining and silver embroidery surrounds the collar in the likeness of
pine leaves. This mantle would certainly bring great comfort in gelid winters.

the shard of solitude, Wintermute

   Translucent and luminous, this massive shard of selenite is eight feet long
from point to end, and has been cut and polished into a longspear. The crystal
spearhead is a foot in length, possessing the keen sharpness of obsidian, while
lacking its inherent brittleness. Swirling hibernal glyphs have been delicately
engraved along the spearhead and the spearhead has two arched wings at the base
where it joins the grip. The cylindrical shaft of selenite is unadorned, save a
intricate etching within the crystal in a bewildering, complex fractal pattern,
evocative of snowflakes. The spear-butt is wider than the shaft with a helicoid
engraving between them, terminating in an oblate semisphere. A faint blue light
or energy, appears to radiate and pulse from the core of the selenite crystal.