
From ThresholdRPG Wiki


Skins are gathered by using the furrier gathering skill.


The basic gathering tool for skins is a skinning knife.


skin <node>

* Maximum skill is the number at which all gathering of this resource is 100% guaranteed.
Critter Skin Raw Dominance Value * Maximum Skill
skunk small thin 1 5
raccoon small thin 1 5
possum large thin 2 10
hairy gopher large thin 2 10
sand lizard small thick 3 15
ringed boa constrictor small thick 3 15
slimy snake large thick 4 20
grass frog large thick 4 20
red-eyed vole large thick 4 20
naked mole rat small rough 5 25
young buck small rough 5 25
feral cat small rough 5 25
feral dog small rough 5 25
big slimy snake large rough 6 30
wild stallion large rough 6 30
jungle sloth large rough 6 30
giant mole rat small sturdy 7 35
baby sand horror small sturdy 7 35
playful dolphin small sturdy 7 35
giant beaver large sturdy 8 40
horned lizard large sturdy 8 40
slimy black eel large sturdy 8 40
feral mine rat small supple 9 45
black stag small supple 9 45
flat-footed basilisk large supple 10 50
oversized chartoad large supple 10 50
cinnolean serpent small robust 11 55
rummaging wisket large robust 12 60
lumpy moletarat large robust 12 60
beach ray small tough 13 65
sanguine chipmunk large tough 14 70