
From ThresholdRPG Wiki

The following respecs are available, generally via purchase from the Threshcredit shops.

Type Name Cost Description
Clan Clan ability respec 40 TC Resets your clan ability points so you can respend them.
Clan Personal clan reset 6 TC Resets your ability to tribute again that day.
Dryad Reset Racial Attunement 40 TC Allow a dryad to choose a different forest for attunement.
Elf Reset Racial Attunement 40 TC Allow an elf to choose a different forests for attunement.
Hegemon Reset Reset Hegemony Points 50 TC Clears all hegemony points spent and allows new selection, including hegemony pool.
Mage Reset Mage Elemental Specialization 50 TC Allow a mage to choose different elemental specialization.
Paladin Weapon Specialty Respec 30 TC Allow a paladin to choose a different weapon specialty.
Paladin Reset Weapon Specialty 50 TC Allow a paladin to choose a different weapon specialty.
Paladin Reset Weapon Specialization 50 TC Allow a paladin to choose a different weapon specialization.
Ranger Weapon Specialty Respec 30 TC Allow a ranger to choose a different weapon specialty.
Ranger Reset Weapon Specialty 50 TC Allow a ranger to choose a different weapon specialty.
Ranger Reset Weapon Specialization 50 TC Allow a ranger to choose a different weapon specialization.
Warrior Weapon Specialty Respec 30 TC Allow a warrior to choose a different weapon specialty.
Warrior Reset Weapon Specialty 50 TC Allow a warrior to choose a different weapon specialty.
Warrior Reset Weapon Specialization 50 TC Allow a warrior to choose a different weapon specialization.