Gingerbread Cottage

From ThresholdRPG Wiki

The Gingerbread Cottage is a delectable candy cottage just off the Northern Byway north of Sable city. Newcomers are encouraged to wander around and explore and maybe even solve the quest here. The animals are the easiest while the Gingerbread Soldiers are a little tougher.


North of Sable City


Gingerbread Cottage

Directions from Center of town

9 north, 1 east

Level Range

Heritage to 4

Quest Information

Quest name

Sablean peasant families have reported missing children in frightful numbers lately. They seem to disappear without the usual evidence that an orc, kobold, or similar invader would leave. Reports have been especially common in the forests and swamps north of Sable. The local residents whisper tales of an old witch who lures children to her home through various artifices. There she supposedly uses them for food or other eldritch and foul concoctions.

The population north of Sable is already sparse, and the government of Sable is quite disturbed not only by this horrible tragedy, but by the fact that this already unpopular area of residence is being made even less attractive by these terrible rumors and tales. The Kingdom of Sable is much in need of anyone to investigate these tales, and if there actually is a witch- destroy her!