Crow lodge

From ThresholdRPG Wiki

Lodge details

This lodge takes great interest in using their intellect and their spirit to defeat any challenge. It is with their strong inner constitution that they are able to wield some of the more destructive and wondrous abilities.

Location Bonuses
Southwest of Thrace City Intelligence, Wisdom


Dimension Fold

Syntax fold <#> <direction>
Base cost 80
Base activation instant
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown 10 minutes
Zenith effect 50% reduced cooldown.

Dimension Fold is probably just as impressive as it is useful. Using this spell, a caster bends and twists space between their present location and their desired destination. The caster must be able to reach the desired destination by walking in a straight line in order for this spell to function.

Thus, if you typed 'fold 5 north' and you could not walk five paces north, then the spell will work but to undesirable ramifications. Experimentation and practice will ensure wise dimensional travel.

The distance you may travel is 1 + number of points invested in this ability.

Elemental Sensitivity

Syntax sensitize <target>
Base cost 50
Base activation instant
Base duration 15 seconds
Base cooldown 10 minutes
Zenith effect Increased sensitivity.

Casting this ability upon your foe will reduce their ability to resist elemental damage, effectively making all abilities which do cold, fire or electrical damage stronger and more painful. Even against those who might otherwise be resistant or immune to these types of damage.

The greater the number of points assigned to this ability, the more effective this ability becomes.

Evoke Wariness

Syntax wariness <target>
Base cost 50
Base activation instant
Base duration 15 seconds
Base cooldown 5 minutes
Zenith effect Increased wariness.

With this ability, a Crow causes a being to become extra cautious. The level of wariness borders on paranoia. This type of psychological attack reduces your target's ability to properly defend himself since his attention is spread too thin, he makes mistakes. The net result is that he will take more damage from blunt, cutting and thrusting weapons.

The greater the number of points assigned to this ability, the more effective this ability becomes.


Syntax martyrdom
Base cost 70 hp/70 sp/70 ep
Base activation 4 seconds
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown 10 minutes
Zenith effect 50% additional damage.

The caster of this spell is able to cannibalize his own health, mystical power, and endurance and translates it into direct magic damage toward his current foe.

While this spell may seem a little underwhelming at first, the increasing damage factor at higher investments makes this ability well worth the sacrifice.


Syntax nova
Base cost 75
Base activation 4 seconds
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown 15 minutes
Zenith effect 25% additional damage, 2 seconds additional stun.

This complicated ability, when focussed upon by a Crow of sufficient investment causes the formation of what resembles a small star. It shines brightly for a brief period before exploding in a furious brightness that does both damage and stuns all opponents in the immediate area who are not in the same party as the Crow.

The amount of damage inflicted as well as the duration of the stun are directly tied to the number of points invested in this ability.


Syntax sanctuary
Base cost 75
Base activation instant
Base duration 1 minute
Base cooldown 2 hours
Zenith effect Double duration.

With this power, a Crow may confer the following restrictions to his current room:

  • no stealing
  • no teleporting
  • no scrying
  • no eavesdropping
  • no sneaking
  • no peeking

The duration of this effect is one minute per point invested in this ability.

Treasure Finding

Syntax <passive ability>
Base cost 0
Base activation n/a
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown n/a
Zenith effect +1% world drop chance

This passive ability increases a Crow's ability to discover treasure while adventuring. The number of points invested in this ability increases one's world drop chance by 1% per investment.