Bunuki Blessings

From ThresholdRPG Wiki

Bunuki Blessings Event

During this event, Bunuki scouts can be found around the world in various natural environments (forests, meadows, plains, jungles, etc.). When you find one, you will have a brief period of time to figure out how to earn its blessing. After a bit, it will hop away.

When you find one, you are allowed to tell your friends where you are so they can try to get to you before the Bunuki hops away.

Each Bunuki can bless a maximum of 4 people before it will hop away.

If you obtain its blessing, you get some buffs that last 1 hour and you earn a point on the Bunuki Blessings Leaderboard (type: holiday). These points can be used at the end of the event to bid on all sorts of rewards and crazy things (we will come up with new ones every time, and you are always welcome to suggest them by email. Subject: BUNUKI).

There will also be some fixed point cost rewards so even if you are unable to attend the auction, or if you don't win anything, you will still be able to spend your points on stuff.

Examples: Fun or useful items/gear, stats, boons, race change, gender change, bloodoath sever, feature change, add color to a feature, change age, change height/weight, and more. Again, please feel free to suggest things outside of the box as these are beings of mischief whose power is mysterious!

See Also: holiday

When you use the holiday command you will see the leaderboard for this event. For example:
