Bulletin boards

From ThresholdRPG Wiki

Magic Bulletin Boards exist all throughout Sable and Thrace, as a place for adventurers to communicate with each other, guildmates, clanmates, and so on.

Bulletin Board Commands

post (title) - post a note. without title, it will be (No Title)

post anonymous (title) - on IC boards, you can post anonymously

read next - read next note from the last you read

read # - read note number #

followup # - followup to note number #

edit # - edit note number # if you wrote it

remove # - remove note number # if you wrote it

note # - set current note pointer to <num> without reading it

mailnote # - mail yourself a copy of note number #

Boardcheck Command

boardcheck - checks all the boards on your list for new posts

boardcheck list - lists all the boards on your check list (and numbers them)

boardcheck add - if there is a board in your room, it is added to your list

boardcheck remove - if there is a board in your room, it is removed

boardcheck remove # - remove a specific board from your check list even if you are not in the same room as the board (you should use boardcheck list to see which board is which)

Help File

  • help boards
  • help boardcheck