Battlecard glyph

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A battlecard glyph is used to enhance the stats of a battlecard. A glyph's name is derived from the primary stat on the glyph. The primary stat is the first stat on a glyph. In the case of a horn bonus card, it is also the horn bonus when the glyph is of the enhanced variety. Stats on a glyph are random. There is no specific formula for determining what stats appear on a glyph apart from the fact that a glyph will not contain a stat more than once; the exception being horn bonuses.

Rarities and Degrees

Glyphs come in four rarities (common, uncommon, rare, and elite) and two degrees (normal and enhanced), although a common glyph will only come in the normal degree. The rarity of a glyph determines both the number of stats on the glyph as well as the stat values. An enhanced glyph of the same stat will also possess higher values in each stat on the glyph.

Rarities, Degrees, and Stats

Rarity # of Stats
Common 1
Uncommon 2
Rare 3
Elite 4

Horn Bonus

An enhanced glyph has the additional benefit of possessing a horn bonus. When two glyphs bearing horn bonuses of the same stat are paired in the horns of a battlecard, the battlecard will profit from even further enhancements of the glyphs' primary stat. A caveat to be mindful of, however, is that while you may place enhanced glyphs of any rarity in the horns, when the horn bonus is calculated, the glyph with the lowest horn bonus stat is applied.


There is no bonus applied to placing an enhanced glyph in the halo, however, enhanced glyphs do have higher stats than normal, so general advice would be to also place enhanced glyphs as often as you can in the halo.

Using a Glyph

Glyphs may be applied to a card by means of an Engraved silver sorberus.