Badger lodge

From ThresholdRPG Wiki

Lodge details

This lodge embraces the life of mortal and physical combat. Not specifically aggressive in nature, but rather, espouses the merit of physical challenge and triumph.

Location Bonuses
Sunswift Plains Constitution, Strength


Armor Penetration

Syntax armorpen
Base cost 40
Base activation instant
Base duration 2 seconds
Base cooldown 5 minutes
Zenith effect Additional armor penetration and duration.

With this ability, the contribution of your foe's armor to the mitigation of damage is reduced. Effectively making your attacks stronger and more damaging. The greater the number of points assigned to this ability, the more effective this ability becomes and the longer it lasts.

The greater the number of points assigned to this ability, the more effective this ability becomes and the longer it lasts.


Syntax enfeeble
Base cost 50
Base activation instant
Base duration 1 minute
Base cooldown 15 minutes
Zenith effect Increased effect and duration.

With a tremendous roar, you are able to instill a great amount of fear and uncertainty in your foe that manifests in greatly reduced natural armor rating.


Syntax fortify <target>
Base cost 50
Base activation instant
Base duration 1 minute
Base cooldown 15 minutes
Zenith effect Increased armor and duration.

Using this ability, you place your hand upon a friend and allow your strength to flow through you and into him, empowering him with heightened natural armor class. The amount of armor gained as well as the duration depends upon the number of points invested in this ability. This ability cannot be directed at oneself.

Hammer and Anvil

Syntax style hammer and anvil
Base cost n/a
Base activation n/a
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown n/a
Zenith effect Increased chance to strike and damage.

This combat style, available to those in the badger lodge, is named for the ancient military tactic.

To make use of this style, you must be wielding two weapons, and they must be either blunt or flexible. They may be any combination.

Martial Precision

Syntax martialprecision
Base cost 40
Base activation instant
Base duration 1 second
Base cooldown 5 minutes
Zenith effect Increased duration.

With this ability, the Badger assures that, for a duration, his melee swings will not miss! The duration of this ability is the count of swings. The more points invested in this ability will dictate the number of unmissable swings.


Syntax roundhouse
Base cost 70
Base activation 4 seconds
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown 5 minutes
Zenith effect Increased damage.

Simply put, roundhouse causes the Badger to attack every being in your immediate environs who is currently attacking you. The amount of damage inflicted is based on the currently wielded weapon as well as the number of points invested in this ability.

Spirit Armor

Syntax spiritarmor

spiritarmor <armor>

spiritarmor remove <armor>

Base cost 100
Base activation instant
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown 10 minutes
Zenith effect Reduced cooldown and cost.

A Badger employing this ability can cause his gear to become lighter. Once accomplished, only that Badger may wear the affected armor. The affected armor only becomes reduced in weight once equipped. Fortunately, the Badger may also remove this enchantment if they wish to give this armor to someone else.

The amount of weight reduction is directly tied to the amount of Badger points invested in this ability.

Typing spiritarmor by itself will list all items in your inventory which are enchanted with Spirit Armor.


Syntax <passive ability>
Base cost 0
Base activation instant
Base duration n/a
Base cooldown n/a
Zenith effect +50R tenacity

This passive ability increases a Badger's tenacity rating. Each point invested in this ability increases one's tenacity rating by 50R.