Summary command

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The summary command is an alternative to the score command in that it offers different information pertaining to your character. Unlike the score command, summary does not provide differentials between your natural data and your buffed data. It only shows your buffed data as a whole with no comparison with your natural data. However, it does provide information not found within your score.

The summary command provides the following information

  • Stats (Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, and Luck)
  • Vitals (hit point, spell/skill points, endurance points and your regen rate and regen intervals known as your heart beat - a heart beat occurs once every 2s for every living being in the game)
  • Fullness (tummy) and heal bank as a percentage and the regen rates to recover these statistics and regen intervals (as above)
  • Armor grade on a scale from (lowest to highest) F, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS represents your current armor class. Each grade is a bracket that replaces actual numerical information, but is provided to give you an idea of your character's armor status. Be advised that this is not normalised across guilds but is rather an absolute value. Therefore, a guild who normally only wears cloth armor will likely never achieve SSS rank, since the armor values in cloth are far lower than that of platemail. A grade of F means no or negligible armor. One's natural armor class and any buffs to that are included in this grade.
  • Any resistances, either plus or minus, affecting your character are listed. Most resistances in Threshold reflect how damage is diminished upon receipt, however, some resistances, such as healing can be considered a debuff, and armor represents outbound armor penetration.
  • Experience (accompanied by your percentage progress to next Player level or Guild level) and expertise.

The cost to use this command is 20 SP.