
From ThresholdRPG Wiki

Xaxer Lightbringer


Xaxer was born in a nomadic wagon on Cuspis 1, 219. Raised with five siblings by a hunter father and noble mother, Xaxer was taught the ways of Vishnu. When Xaxer was sixteen, his father died after being ambushed by Orcs. His mother died a year later of a broken heart.


Appearance and Portrait



Xaxer is currently a member of the Rangers Guild. He has also been a Fighter, Warrior, and Paladin of Vishnu.


Xaxer is the founder of the Clan of Enlightened Brotherhood.


Xaxer currently is unchurched.


Xaxer makes his home in Sable.


Early Life

Xaxer arrived in Sable City at age twenty-six -- young, naive, and broke. Soon after arriving, he found himself robbed of all coin and received a nasty cut above his eye as well, a scar he still sports to this day. After finding the Adventurers' Guild, Xaxer dedicated himself to learning all he could with the hope of one day becoming a Ranger. After meeting Adrek, he joined the Fighters Guild at the age of twenty-seven. After many years of hard work, Xaxer accomplished his goal and became a Ranger on Serenus 23, 300.

Xaxer was then made Paladin of Vishnu on Sojourn 9, 343.

Current Life

Xaxer left the church of Erosia in 518.