Enlightened Brotherhood

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Revision as of 12:18, 4 February 2022 by Runatsu (talk | contribs) (Minor changes to page.)

The Enlightened Brotherhood is a clan, or confederation, of likeminded individuals both perceptive and objective. They endeavor to view the world around them with clarity, liberated from preconceived notions, bias, dogmatism, or sectarianism. They seek enlightenment for greater good of all the people of the realm.


        Insignia of Enlightened Brotherhood
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                \ / Illuminati \ / 
          A Brotherhood of Free Thinkers
Devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of
         Knowledge, Reality, and Existence
       Philosophical, Theoretical, Metaphysical
      We use our paths, perhaps in different styles,
           To increase the GREATER GOOD
           In ourselves and the World.


Charter of The Enlightened Brotherhood

The Enlightened Brotherhood

The enlightened are insightful and open-minded. They are able to see the world with great clarity, without attachment to preconceived ideas about people, places, and things.

Our clan has a good disposition; this means that the following axis may be members;

  • Good / Order
  • Good / Chaos
  • Order / Good
  • Chaos / Good

We use our paths, perhaps in different styles, to increase the greater good in ourselves and the world.

The Enlightened Brotherhood, though we are open minded to all, and understanding of the difficulty of the path we walk, do not believe in a life based on self, the worldly, or in subjugation, and hence do not allow those that follow such a dark ethos to join.

Also, as religious dogma tends to supersede the mindset of the philosophical nature of our Brotherhood, we do not allow clerics or paladins to be members.

We acknowledge the Gods of the Aether and their superiority over mortals and the importance of the Strength of the Aether. We allow churched and unchurched members as long as they are of proper axis.

We walk a path as our insignia states, devoted to the study of the fundamental nature of Knowledge, Reality, and Existence. Philosophical, Theoretical, Metaphysical. We try to better ourselves spiritually, not necessarily religiously. Mortal interpretations and dogma of religion may or may not be a part of our personal beliefs. We each walk our own path to spritual enlightenment, and the growth and purification of our souls to their highest degree.

We work as a brotherhood, to help better ourselves, and as we do so share our path, in a non-confrontational way. We are understanding, not warmongering, or demanding of conformity, and in doing so enlighten others to leave the path they are on, to join us and over time grow and guide the people of the realm to a better way.


Xaxer Lightbringer -Founder

Clan Roster

Rank Member
Bodhi Xaxer
Philosopher Corliss
Regent Lindreal
Regent Beriadoc
Regent Vorshi
Elder Runatsu
Elder Bandoke
Elder Krick
Illuminati Major Hokoosai
Illuminati Major Catrianil
Illuminati Major Lilium
Illuminati Minor Althari
Illuminati Minor Amras


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