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Corliss, The Tower of Iron Will



Corliss, human merchant, was born Cuspis 6, 400 in a village well east of Kelnore. She arrived in Sable at age 20 and began her adventuring life. She is a citizen of Sable.

Appearance and Portrait

Corliss stands 5' 9" tall and weighs 118 pounds.

Standing tall and lithe, gentle curves grace a slim body. Her face has a strong chin and high cheekbones. Large eyes of clear blue are framed with thick lashes. Her full lips are red and often curved into a smile. Her long, blonde hair has streaks of gold shimmering throughout and is braided, hanging down her back to just above her waist.

During more formal events, Corliss will dress her hair in a cascade of curls, held back from her face by a pair of long, black raven feathers.

Corliss has eyes that respond to her moods. Mostly they are a clear blue, but have been known to change to a stormy blue-grey when she is angered or distressed.

Special Amulet

Corliss wears a special amulet, the Amulet of Sunshine, gifted to her from the Gods.

The light of the sun has been captured within the confines of this amulet. Crafted of gold and platinum, the amulet is an orb with small flares along the surface. Small gems of topaz and diamond are embedded into the surface and catch the light. At the command of its owner, the amulet shines brightly, illuminating the immediate environs.

The amulet is engraved on the back with this poem, written by Thranganex, a dear friend of Corliss:

Little sunshine, gleaming bright,

dispel the darkness of the night.

Bring to us a brighter day, where

frightening nightmares burn away.


Corliss is a member of the Psions Guild. She currently holds the rank of Cortex within the guild, second in command to the Guildmistress Tiella, but she was previously the guild librarian.


Corliss is a follower of Mortis, God of Death and the Underworld. She currently is a Lorekeeper for the church.


Corliss belongs to the Clan of Enlightened Brotherhood. She holds the rank of Philosopher.


Corliss is a member of the Crow Lodge.


Corliss lives in Sable at 19 Eastern Outskirts. While she prefers spending her time in the city of her citizenship, she can also sometimes be found in the Chapel in the Mortis Temple in Thrace.