
From ThresholdRPG Wiki
Revision as of 11:30, 18 July 2021 by Gesslar (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)
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You can use colors on the wiki to match up with the colors in game (help color list).

Please use colors sparingly, as we do in Threshold and only to highlight things as they correspond to their Threshold counterpart.

Color Templates

Color Code Sample Results
red This text is {{cred|red}}. This text is red.
bold red This text is {{cboldred|bold red}}. This text is bold red.
orange This text is {{corange|orange}}. This text is orange.
bold orange This text is {{cboldorange|bold orange}}. This text is bold orange.
yellow This text is {{cyellow|yellow}}. This text is yellow.
bold yellow This text is {{cboldyellow|bold yellow}}. This text is bold yellow.
green This text is {{cgreen|green}}. This text is green.
bold green This text is {{cboldgreen|bold green}}. This text is bold green.
blue This text is {{cblue|blue}}. This text is blue.
bold blue This text is {{cboldblue|bold blue}}. This text is bold blue.
cyan This text is {{ccyan|cyan}}. This text is cyan.
bold cyan This text is {{cboldcyan|bold cyan}}. This text is bold cyan.
magenta This text is {{cmagenta|magenta}}. This text is magenta.
bold magenta This text is {{cboldmagenta|bold magenta}}. This text is bold magenta.
white This text is {{cwhite|white}}. This text is white.
bold white This text is {{cboldwhite|bold white}}. This text is bold white.
black This text is {{cblack|black}}. This text is black.
bold black This text is {{cboldblack|bold black}}. This text is bold black.